martes, 1 de marzo de 2011

Aditional Rigging for Fravega

Once again teamed up with Reino, this time for Fravega commercial. This time i helped them speed up their character pipeline by skinning most of the humar character. Congrats again to Niko Rossi and all the crew at Reino!
You can see the add in HD in this link on youtube.

sábado, 1 de enero de 2011

Pipeline and Workflow Talk at DaVinci

Last month Ramon Giraldez, Lorenzo Basurto and I gave a talk at DaVinci school. It was about adjusting your pipeline and workflow to the size of your production, and why is it so important to have the right pipeline.
I couldn't find the video on the website , but maybe you can! (Please let me know if you do) .