viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010

This is a really cheap face capture!

Hey, I was messing around with a webcam and some sticker,
and the result was quite fun...
The face rig is from Jason Osipa!

cheapest mocap ever from eduardo grana on Vimeo.

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

RZ2 importer script for autodesk maya

Hey, I made this to import 2d tracks ( .RZ2 files )from movimento 1.0,
feel free to use it if you need it!
Of course it's super beta version, documentation is non existing and feedback is super welcome!

Quick help: press the button with the ... to browse for the rz2 file. The List will show you the tracking points you have in the file.
Select the ones you want to import and click import selected, or click Select all to import all listed.
You have options for adding a prefix (in case you want to import some point more than once without having name clashes), scale the movement of the points, change the start frame for the animation, flip y axis (screen coordinates are flipped on y) and you can choose to make locators or trackPoints with the data.
On top it shows the current time unit, if you right click it, you have a popup menu to change it with or without compensating the keyframes (very handy!!)
aaa! almost forgot...
to run it:
source "c:/fullPathToTheScript/eg_movi.mel";


miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

Rigging for Wow's Sindol

I worked with WOW for Sindol's commercials. I did all the rigging and facial setup for the character. It's a little rough, but it was done in one day. Go WOW studio!!!
You can see some of it in this link to Andres Bueno's Vimeo, who did the animation.

Animación 3D - Comercial "Sindol" from ANDRES BUENO on Vimeo.