miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010

Mel Mentor at Reino

Some time ago, my friend Niko Rossi told me he wanted to write and automated rigging tool, so we arrenged with Reino a 6 month intensive mel course. I had a great time, and it was amazing how quickly Niko was up and running!
You can see some of his tools in his website link .

lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

Tools for Catmandu

I'm currently working full time at Catmandu coding some tools, because Catmandu is about to start production on Juan Campanella's first animation movie. I'm doing mostly Python and pyqt scripts (some scripted plugins too) and very little mel.
This is the imdb page for the movie , and this is the website of the company (there in not much info there, but you can check it anyway) .

viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010

Rigging for Mexsana

I worked with Reino for Mexana commercials. Once again with Niko Rossi who took care of the face rig while y did the body rig and skinning. Congrats to my friends at Reino!
You can see some of it in this link or this other link to Niko's Vimeo.

REINO - mexana Ladrones from nicolas rossi on Vimeo.

REINO -mexana ladrones from nicolas rossi on Vimeo.

viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010

This is a really cheap face capture!

Hey, I was messing around with a webcam and some sticker,
and the result was quite fun...
The face rig is from Jason Osipa!

cheapest mocap ever from eduardo grana on Vimeo.

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

RZ2 importer script for autodesk maya

Hey, I made this to import 2d tracks ( .RZ2 files )from movimento 1.0,
feel free to use it if you need it!
Of course it's super beta version, documentation is non existing and feedback is super welcome!


Quick help: press the button with the ... to browse for the rz2 file. The List will show you the tracking points you have in the file.
Select the ones you want to import and click import selected, or click Select all to import all listed.
You have options for adding a prefix (in case you want to import some point more than once without having name clashes), scale the movement of the points, change the start frame for the animation, flip y axis (screen coordinates are flipped on y) and you can choose to make locators or trackPoints with the data.
On top it shows the current time unit, if you right click it, you have a popup menu to change it with or without compensating the keyframes (very handy!!)
aaa! almost forgot...
to run it:
source "c:/fullPathToTheScript/eg_movi.mel";


miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

Rigging for Wow's Sindol

I worked with WOW for Sindol's commercials. I did all the rigging and facial setup for the character. It's a little rough, but it was done in one day. Go WOW studio!!!
You can see some of it in this link to Andres Bueno's Vimeo, who did the animation.

Animación 3D - Comercial "Sindol" from ANDRES BUENO on Vimeo.

domingo, 1 de agosto de 2010

Pipeline Tools for Muu Cine.

Muu Cine is one of the biggest advertising studios in Buenos Aires, and they trusted me and Lorenzo Basurto to develop several pielien tools to improve their productivity, and to keep track of their projects. The project was fully developed in python.
You can see who are this Muu people in this link to Muu!.

jueves, 1 de julio de 2010

Rigging for Clemente's World Cup Stuff

Clemente, the character created by Caloi is coming back to the small screen for world cup 2010! I've been working with WOW Studio to do some rigging for the characters and props of these animated shorts. Hope you like it!
You can see some of the videos in this link to El hincha oficial.

Maybe 'El Hincha Oficial' channel is dead...I'll embed another link

martes, 1 de junio de 2010

Particle FX for Supradyn

I did some particle effects for Supradyn's advertising campaigne, once again working for Reino de Buenos Aires.
You can see the videos in Supradyn's page here.

sábado, 1 de mayo de 2010

Rigging for Campanella's Metegol

After wining the Oscar for best foreign film, Campanella in making a full CG animation film. I worked with Mauro Serei doing some rigging for the character desing stage at Catmandu .
Can't show you anything about this due to an NDA!

Rigging for Mama Luchetti's Diana Arroz

Luchetti's characters are a great success form Reino de Buenos Aires. Once again it was great to work with Nico Rossi and all the people at Reino.
You can see who the advertising piece in this link!.

REINO_Lucchetti_DianaArroz from nicolas rossi on Vimeo.

jueves, 1 de abril de 2010

Rendering tool for Gluko & Lennon

Gluko & Lennon is a great new animation series and I'm happy to have contributed in the making of their first episode! My task was to write a pipeline tool for rendering and managing both the rendered images and the render batch files, handling nomenclatures and paths.
You can see some of the episode in this link to Gluko & Lennon - Volare!.
This is the link to the English version Gluko & Lennon - Volare!.

Gluko & Lennon SPA from Gluko & Lennon on Vimeo.

lunes, 1 de marzo de 2010

Rigging for Galera Animal

Galera Animal is a animated series featuring several Furry Animals. I've worked on the animal character rigs side by side with Niko Rossi. Once again, it was my pleasure to work with him.
You can see some of the episodes in this link to Galera Animal!.

viernes, 19 de febrero de 2010

Hola, soy un diseñador argentino que se dedico a hacer 3d. Hago preferentemente animacion pero he tambien VFX. Trabajo generalmente en rigging pero en general en toda la parte tecnica.Uso Maya, mel y python. Tambien tengo nociones del API de maya.
Tambien estuve haciendo unos programas en PyQt ultimamente orientados al pipeline.

Hello. I'm an argentina industrial designer although i dedicated to CG. I've worked in animation but also in VFX. I usually do rigging but i've also worked as td generalist. I use Maya, mel, python and have also some knowledge of the Maya API. I've also done some PyQt pipeline programs lately.

domingo, 10 de enero de 2010

I'm back from avatar adventure!

I took a year off to work abroad and see what is like in the big studios. The avatar project was really big, around 800 people only in postproduction!
I worked in around 100 shots on the main character Jake doint all the cloth and hair simulation. Not very sure if i can show stuff since i don't want any legal problem with the fox people, although i can tell you some sequences i worked in, like the final battle between Jake and the bad guy inside the robot, and when he jumps from the orange dragon to the top of a space ship killing our human fellows, for example.
I've learned a lot, and have many funny stories (like 'it's a f**cking t shape!'), although while avatar was in prodution, i don't remember doing much in new zealand but work!
You can see oficial website here.

Here is the trailer, it only shows 3 shots where i did Jake's hair and cloth sim.
(1-0:52s 2-3:20s 3-3:24s)